Cuckoo Clocks

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Grandfather Clocks

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Alarm Clocks

Unique Clocks

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500 Series

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Swiss Quartz

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Seth Thomas





Roger Lascelles













Products Found: 51
Page: [1]

Quartz Chiming Mantel Clocks


Price: $74.00
Battery Operated. Hourly ...

Seth Thomas Charlotte

Seth Thomas Charlotte
Price: $77.95
Battery Operated. Hourly  ...

Seth Thomas Jefferson

Seth Thomas Jefferson
Price: $77.95
Battery Operated. Hourly  ...


Price: $99.00
There is something specia ...

Seth Thomas Sturbridge

Seth Thomas Sturbridge
Price: $108.50
Battery Operated. Quarte ...

Seth Thomas CODY

Seth Thomas CODY
Price: $112.50
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Seth Thomas Carlisle

Seth Thomas Carlisle
Price: $112.50
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Seth Thomas Cedrick

Seth Thomas Cedrick
Price: $112.50
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Seth Thomas Buckingham

Seth Thomas Buckingham
Price: $128.95
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Seth Thomas Craig

Seth Thomas Craig
Price: $128.95
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Seth Thomas Madison

Seth Thomas Madison
Price: $128.95
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Seth Thomas Burnes

Seth Thomas Burnes
Price: $129.00
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Seth Thomas Stratford

Seth Thomas Stratford
Price: $129.00
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Loricron 130W Cherry

Loricron 130W Cherry
Price: $135.00
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Loricron 140W Oak

Loricron 140W Oak
Price: $135.00
Battery Opearated. Westm ...

Seth Thomas Waterloo

Seth Thomas Waterloo
Price: $136.00
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Loricron 138W Cherry

Loricron 138W Cherry
Price: $138.99
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Loricron 148W Oak

Loricron 148W Oak
Price: $138.99
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Loricron 1594W

Loricron 1594W
Price: $148.99
Westminster chimes with s ...

Seth Thomas Emperor

Seth Thomas Emperor
Price: $148.99
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 21132-N92115 Cherry

Hermle 21132-N92115 Cherry
Retail $234.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $152.10
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 21132-i92115 classic oak

Hermle 21132-i92115 classic oak
Retail $234.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $152.10
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

HM-635-107 Qaurtz Chiming Mantel Clock

HM-635-107 Qaurtz Chiming Mantel Clock
Retail $265.00
Savings  40%
Sale Price  $159.00
This tambour mantel clock ...

Hermle 22851-N92115 Cherry

Hermle 22851-N92115 Cherry
Retail $247.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $160.55
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Loricron 180W Cherry

Loricron 180W Cherry
Price: $162.00
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 21135-N92115 Cherry

Hermle 21135-N92115 Cherry
Retail $253.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $164.45
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 21135-i92115 Oak

Hermle 21135-i92115 Oak
Retail $253.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $164.45
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

HM-635-110 Quartz Chiming Mantel Clock

HM-635-110 Quartz Chiming Mantel Clock
Retail $275.00
Savings  40%
Sale Price  $165.00
A classic choice for any  ...

Hermle 21129-N92115 Cherry

Hermle 21129-N92115 Cherry
Retail $256.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $166.40
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 21129-i92115 Oak

Hermle 21129-i92115 Oak
Retail $256.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $166.40
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 21133-N92115 Cherry

Hermle 21133-N92115 Cherry
Retail $288.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $187.20
Battery Operaed. Westmin ...

Hermle 21133-i92115 Chiming Mantel Clock With Quartz Movement

Hermle 21133-i92115 Chiming Mantel Clock With Quartz Movement
Retail $288.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $187.20
Chiming mantel clock with ...

Hermle 21151-i92115  Oak

Hermle 21151-i92115 Oak
Retail $288.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $187.20
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Loricron 137W Cherry

Loricron 137W Cherry
Price: $189.00
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Loricron 147W Oak

Loricron 147W Oak
Price: $189.00
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Loricron 190W Mahogany

Loricron 190W Mahogany
Price: $189.00
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 22827-072115 Cherry

Hermle 22827-072115 Cherry
Retail $297.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $193.05
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

HM-612-481 Quartz Chiming Mantel Clocks

HM-612-481 Quartz Chiming Mantel Clocks
Retail $325.00
Savings  40%
Sale Price  $195.00
Classic English bracket c ...

Hermle 22660-032114 Walnut

Hermle 22660-032114 Walnut
Retail $309.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $200.85
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 22660-162114 Cherrywood

Hermle 22660-162114 Cherrywood
Retail $309.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $200.85
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 22867-032114 Walnut

Hermle 22867-032114 Walnut
Retail $328.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $213.20
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 22867-162114 Cherrywood

Hermle 22867-162114 Cherrywood
Retail $328.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $213.20
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 22834-002114

Hermle 22834-002114
Retail $346.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $224.90
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 21130-N92115 Cherry

Hermle 21130-N92115 Cherry
Retail $356.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $231.40
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 21130-i92115 Oak

Hermle 21130-i92115 Oak
Retail $356.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $231.40
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Loricron 114W Oak

Loricron 114W Oak
Price: $239.00
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Loricron 115W Cherry

Loricron 115W Cherry
Price: $239.00
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Hermle 22835-002114

Hermle 22835-002114
Retail $405.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $263.25
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

HM-630-165 Quartz Chiming Mantel Clock

HM-630-165 Quartz Chiming Mantel Clock
Retail $449.00
Savings  40%
Sale Price  $269.40
Finished in Mission Oak d ...

HM-613-668 Quartz Chiming Mantel Clock

HM-613-668 Quartz Chiming Mantel Clock
Retail $455.00
Savings  40%
Sale Price  $273.00
Finished in Shaker Cherry ...

Hermle 22854-N92215 Cherry

Hermle 22854-N92215 Cherry
Retail $425.00
Savings  35%
Sale Price  $276.25
Battery Operated. Westmi ...

Products Found: 51
Page: [1

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